SID Analyzer

Learn How You Can Elevate Your Departures With SID Analyzer

Now Available in iPreFlight Genesis® and iPreFlight Genesis® PRO


Aircraft Performance Group has been trusted by worldwide manufacturers for 20+ years

Talk with an Aviation Expert

Transform Your Takeoff

The first-of-its-kind in the industry, the SID (Standard Instrument Departures) Analyzer transforms the way you take off. With seamless integration of Runway Analysis (RWA) and TERPS/PANS-OPS compliance checks, it’s your essential tool for enhanced safety and operational efficiency.

Simpler Departure Process

SID Analyzer harmoniously combines RWA with TERPS/PANS-OPS compliance checks, simplifying the departure process and reducing the need for Engine Out Procedure (EOP) briefings.

Close-In Obstacle Clearance

APG's RWA will automatically assess all obstacles, including any close-in obstacles identified for a SID, ensuring safety by determining the maximum weight for obstacle clearance with OEI.

AEO Estimation

If the manufacturer has not published All Engines Operating takeoff climb performance, SID Analyzer will estimate AEO performance using OEI climb data as needed.


Toggle between AEO And OEI methods to meet TERPS/PANS-OPS climb requirements, ensuring compliance and safety.

SID Analyzer iPad screen for flight planning

20+ Years of World-Class Experience

Embark on safer and more efficient departures. APG has delivered world-class RWA services for over 20 years and now supports over 10,000 airports globally with over 2900 EOPs.

Trusted by the biggest names in aviation
