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NaviGuard GPS/GNSS Anomaly Detection Tool Map



A standalone GPS anomaly detection & verification application designed to address the growing concern of GPS spoofing and jamming in the aviation sector.

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In a Dangerous World APG Keeps You Safe

NaviGuard offers a crucial solution to safeguard commercial and business flight operators from spoofing threats. The app detects abnormal GPS readings on iPads and verifies GPS data using radio navigation.

Anticipate Problems

Real-time monitoring of problem areas enables pilots to foresee and circumvent issues stemming from GPS spoofing and jamming before they occur.

Set Active Alerts

Proactive in-app notifications alerts pilots of known danger zones during flights, presenting the option to reroute or proceed with complete awareness of potential hazards.

Plot & Confirm

Verify your in-flight GPS coordinates by mapping relative to Navigational Aids (NAVAIDs). This helps to remove uncertainties about the accuracy of your current location.


Real-Time Global GPS Anomaly Detection

As GPS spoofing and jamming incidents threaten aviators and passengers in crisis zones across the world, NaviGuard provides a crucial solution to safeguard commercial and business flight operators from these threats. The app detects abnormal GPS readings on the iPad and verifies GPS data using radio navigation.

"By launching NaviGuard we reinforce our dedication to safe and precise flight planning across the aviation industry. This groundbreaking software offers peace of mind to pilots and flight operators, assuring that their navigation remains secure and accurate at all times."

Shawn Mechelke
Shawn Mechelke, President - APG, RocketRoute, Seattle Avionics

What is GPS Spoofing?

Learn the bad actors involved and how GPS spoofing can impact safe passage between countries and territories around the world. We've got you covered! Click here to read our blog: What is GPS Spoofing? ...And How to Avoid It

Want to See NaviGuard Used In-Flight?

Check out our feature article on OPSGROUP: Outsmarting The GPS Spoofers: A Clever App

Customer Feedback

"Did a trip to LLBG and used the app to depict the trouble areas, it was right on, we were able to deselect GPS from the navigation sources and we were able to maintain navigation accuracy IN and Out bound, great product."

Fabian N.

"Firstly, allow me to appreciate your app. We fly a lot over Near and Middle East during our OPS and your app is a great way to double check our position during spoofing attacks which we experience frequently... Overall I am very pleased by being able to use your app. It is one of the very few tools which are now available to help us during those challenging operations. Thank you!"

Jan Z.

"I downloaded this app nearly 2 weeks ago and it helped me already a few times to be aware in some airspaces and we had exactly on one of this spots spoofing. Thanks for developing this app although it’s a sad reason why we have it."

Gerda L.